Parade & Run Volunteers

Parade Volunteers

We’re looking for volunteers, whether individually or in groups, to assist with the upcoming parade. Please read the information below to find out how you can help downtown St. Louis’ largest event and one of the top parades in the country.

Primarily, we seek individuals who are age 18 or over to be parade marshals, but we also have limited availability of other positions (see below).

If you are interested in volunteering, let us know by completing the online sign-up form. Or, if you have questions not answered on this page, please contact our volunteer recruitment director by email at [email protected]

Basic Duties of Parade Marshals:

  • Answer questions from spectators. (Don’t worry, we’ll help you with answers to commonly asked questions.)
  • Be firm, but friendly. You’ll help keep the parade route clear of obstacles. For the safety of everyone, parade marshals will help maintain the curb line, preventing spectators from moving into the street.
  • Be available from check-in at 7:00 am, until 3:00 pm (After some minor activities to return the streets to normal auto traffic, the volunteers post-parade event will begin at the parade Headquarters.)
  • Be pleasant and helpful.
  • Be willing to have fun. Most people who attend our parade are well-behaved. So, your job is often not very difficult, meaning you’ll have more fun.

Sign Me Up!

Login to our new online volunteer system.

Other Available Volunteer Positions

Besides parade marshals, other positions can include parade route setup, balloon handling, disabled viewing, Headquarters/check in, and logistics/supply. The reporting time and time commitment differ from the information given above for parade marshals. Please inquire about these alternate positions, or list it as a choice on the application form, if you are interested. Since these positions are limited, no guarantees are made.

Volunteering Details

Parade marshals should be present on parade day from 7:00 am through 3:00 pm.

That morning, volunteers will check in at the parade Headquarters, located in the Lindbergh Room at the Hilton St. Louis at the Ballpark. This is where you’ll get your assignment to an area along the parade route. We’ll provide transportation to your assigned area, should it be farther than walking distance. Block captains oversee each area, to help address questions and other issues that arise throughout the day.

Volunteers will be provided with complimentary parking and lunch-related food and beverage (see information below).

Be sure to view the Volunteering FAQ below for additional information.

Event Summary: What, When, Where

Event Date/Time Location
Check-In March 14, 2026 7:00AM Parade Headquarters Lindbergh Room
Parade March 14, 2026 1:00 PM At designated volunteer location
Post-Parade Event (for volunteers only) March 14, 2026 approx. 4:00 PM Parade Headquaters

Volunteering FAQ

Q: On parade day, where should I go first?
A: At 8:00 am on parade day, all volunteers should arrive at the parade Headquarters, which is in the Lindbergh Room at the Hilton at the Ballpark, at Broadway and Market. The Headquarters staff will check you in, answer any last-minute questions, and assist with getting you to your designated volunteer location.

Q: Where should I park, if I am driving?
A: Volunteers will be provided with complimentary parking. The location of volunteer parking is in the lot at 7th and Cerre Streets. From there, it is a brief walk to the Parade Headquarters. You might also catch a ride on a shuttle cart which will be running between the two locations.

Q: Which stop should I use, if I am riding on MetroLink?
A: If riding MetroLink, you should get off at the Busch Stadium stop. From there, it is a short walk north to the Parade Headquarters.

Q: How long will I be needed on parade day?
A: We ask that all captains and lt. captains check in at the Headquarters at 6:30 am and parade marshal volunteers check in at the Headquarters at 7:00 am (Those in other positions will be informed of their check-in time by their area leader.) You will be assigned to a street location and then transported by shuttle to your designated location along the parade route. The parade begins at 12:00 pm. After the parade conclusion passes your volunteer area, you’ll be needed for some minor cleanup to return the street to regular traffic. Your area’s block captain will coordinate this effort and then release you to return to the Headquarters, where the volunteers post-parade event will be held. Your volunteer commitment will end about 3:00 pm.

Q: Will food or beverage provided to the parade volunteers?
A: We suggest that you have breakfast on your own, prior to your arrival at the Headquarters. Throughout the day, hot and cold beverages, as well as sandwiches and chips, will be delivered, by cart, to volunteers on the parade route.

Q: What is the post-parade event?
A: After the parade, volunteers will be provided with a pass to the volunteer-only post-parade event, which will take place at the Headquarters. This event is not open to the general public. It is a private event, so that we may express our thanks to you, our valued volunteer. At this event, you’ll have the opportunity to get some food, beverage, and a place to sit and relax.

Q: Am I allowed to drink alcoholic beverages while volunteering?
A: Volunteers are NOT allowed to consume alcohol while performing their volunteer duties. We strive to run a family-friendly event, so we cannot have intoxicated volunteers representing our event. After the parade is over, you are free to consume “adult” beverages.

Q: Name three things I’ll wish I’d brought with me to volunteer on parade day.
A: This would depend on the weather. For a cold day, you’ll want to bring a warm hat, warm gloves, and warm shoes. For a sunny day, you’ll want to bring sunglasses, suntan lotion, and a hat for shade. Remember – the parade goes on rain, shine, or snow.

Q: Is there a dress code?
A: No, but dress for the weather. We do want you to stand out better in a crowd, though. To aid in this, we will furnish you with a parade marshal jacket, to be worn over your own clothing, so that you are recognizable as being a parade official. It must be returned at the end of the day, so that we can clean and re-use them the following year.